
In a P*ssy Mood

It's been brought to my attention on a board that I have frequented for 2 years and have many friends at that people feel I'm "begging" for business. I suppose I can see how it seems like that so I'm sorry. I won't be posting about my excitement or my goals or my accomplishments for Pampered Chef for a while. I feel like someone deflated my balloon. The ONE bright spot in my night and I got ripped to shreds about telling everyone I only needed 50$ more in sales to be qualified.

I hope my family is a little more understanding. I am not trying to force anything on any of you and I love you all and I'm sorry if I'm a bum. *sigh*

On an even brighter note, please pray for Violet, (YES, I AM begging for prayers!), because she's puked up everything she's taken in in 6 hours and has diarrhea to boot. We have a Dr. appt at 9:30am and I'm just praying that she isn't dehydrated and doesn't have Pertussis. When she heals up from this we're going to get her vaccinated against Pertussis.



Emily said...

Oh Tara I am so sorry to hear that! I don't mind you talking about Pampered Chef! Keep doing it! It is your business so you have the right to talk about it! Why would anyone want to put you down for staying at home with your children and yet helping provide for them at the same time? I am sorry your balloon got deflated, but whoever said that to you actually deflated their balloon!

Keep up the good work! Let us know how Violet is, our prayers are with her.

mamamilkers said...

Why do you think Violet has pertussis? Just curious! I hope she is feeling better already.

Branch said...

I don't blame you for being excited... and we appreciate you invite to the pampered chef party. I am glad we could help you on your way to your goal. Keep it up.