

This week. Wow. 

Monday we signed our new wills. Monday I tried eggs and my throat swelled up.  Evidently I am sensitive to eggs, so I decided to continue my Reboot diet just adding something small here and there to see if there are any other sensitivities I didn't know about.

Tuesday I had to take the littles to get their physical to *almost* complete our homestudy book.  They were wound for sound from the time we got there.  They were climbing the walls, quite literally.  Jumping off of chairs, hanging on furniture, washing their hands-ad nauseum...they wouldn't listen to ANYTHING or ANYONE.  Not a nurse, not a doctor, not mom.  I was really stretching my grace, but thankfully God has plenty to spare.  The doctor looked them over, commented on how rambunctious they were being, berated me for considering bringing adoptive children into our home when our children aren't fully vaccinated and then she left.  For 30 minutes.  During which time Violet defied me and finally gave in, sitting next to me with her thumb in her mouth and Corbin tried to nose dive off the examination table, so I held him in the other chair while he...


and screamed.

and screamed.

The nurse stuck her head in to check on us in the middle of it all.  We must have looked very interesting with the paper from the exam table crumpled all over the floor, wet handprints everywhere, crayons in all parts of the room, Violet sitting quietly next to me while I calmly hold Corbin tightly so he can't move.  While he screams.  She didn't say a word, just looked in (to make sure I wasn't torturing him??) and then walked out.

Then the doctor graced us with her presence again and sat down, passed out stickers in an attempt to get the littles to calm down (didn't work, they just yelled about wanting "Punge Bob Kware Puhnts" instead) and proceeded to tell me that she could not judge my whole life by a 20 minute visit, but that she was writing down that she suggested they visit our home before they place us with a child. 

Because my kids were being such turds.

**for the record, we do NOT watch Spongebob...they have seen it at Children's Hospital, of all places, while we wait for Corbin's opthamology appointments with his surgeon. I believe they also saw it at the laundromat before we left Texas**

Then she left for another 15 minutes, whilst I ruminated on all that.  Thankfully they have to do a home visit anyway, so the suggestion doesn't really count for much, but WOW!  What a thing to be told.  I really can't say as I blame her, and I'm not mad at her at all, it was just...crazy.

She came back in with their charts and the little tests I had to give them before they had turned completely insane and she was shaking her head with a puzzled look on her face.  She said, "They are *really* smart."  I kinda chuckled and then she said, "no, I mean, really...look at this.  Violet is doing developmentally on target for a 6-year-old (she's 4) and Corbin is doing things on target with a 5-year-old (he'll be 3 in Dec)"  I just kinda looked at her.  I mean, I know my kids are geniuses, it's not news to me, but I wondered what it meant to her.  She said, "maybe that is why they're so curious."  And I laughed out loud.  Maybe ma'am.  Or maybe the devil poked them with a naughty stick this morning. 

We left and they slept 2 hours in the car.  Yepp, it's exhausting to go nutso in the doctor's office and tear it down tile by tile. 

That evening Allan and I were supposed to start our foster classes.  The sitter came by early, we got out the door with more than enough time and on the way we saw the most beautiful sun beams that people paint pictures of with God's hands.  The windows were down and the weather was cool.  I even said to Allan, "yepp...we're in God's will.  This is perfect."  When we arrived at the destination, I was confused...these were residences, not a business.  A lot of circling blocks, searching the internet on my phone and a couple phone calls later helped me discover that we were actually 31 minutes away from where we needed to be.  And class was starting in 2 minutes.

Can you feel the hope draining from the car?  Well, thankfully the coordinator let me know that this was actually the orientation and we could just join next week.  To make the most of it, Allan and I went to coffee and a movie instead.  Hey!  When in Rome, right?  After the day I had, I needed some down time.

Wednesday I got a call from the foster agency and happened to ask a question about vaccinations because someone told me that we can't foster without current vaccinations.  She asked some specifics and proceeded to tell me what we would need to "catch up on" to be eligible.  I told her, (very nicely) that wasn't happening and asked how we could possibly get around it.  She's still researching, I guess, because I haven't heard back from her. 

I discussed with Allan and we reconfirmed that we are sticking to our guns on this one.  A good friend helped me find the religious exemptions for Kansas and I got it all filled out, we just need to get it notarized.  We're proceeding as if this is not a glitch.  WHY?  Because I let it discourage me for 2 days and have lost 2 days of fundraising.  Lost 2 days of hope.  But the Lord reminded me that HE sent us on this mission and if HE is for us, who could stop us? 

We have nearly $700 to raise by Tuesday.  I can't be discouraged another day.

Today we found out that Allan's job is in limbo.  The company he works for has been shady for a while, but it's coming to a head.  We're hoping and praying for a job offer from another company.  But all these things seem laughable, really.  Because of faith and hope in a God who is MUCH bigger than any of these things. 

So here it is: here is where I implore you.  We still need $691.26 to be able to turn our completed homestudy packet in by Tuesday, October 2.  4 full days.  That is ONLY 138 people donating $5.  Each time one of my friends has shared this page, we've gotten donations from people we don't even know!  We had one paypal donation come in for $2.  I could cry!  Who are we that this person would donate her $2 when she could possibly have needed it for something else?  I could kiss her-truly!  God is so good to us and He is moving in people, but He can't stir them, unless they know about us, so PLEASE, use the SHARE button on the side ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------>
Share it on facebook, tweet about it, send the link to your email contacts and ask them to SHARE it, too.  We've had some crazy traffic on this blog lately, so I *know* y'all are spreading the word.  THANK YOU.

138 people is so few people!  God will use our efforts to multiply what has already been raised!  He will use YOU to bless our family, to bless children in need of a home, and that blessing will come back to you.  I know because I see it all the time. 

To donate, simply click on the "ChipIn" button at the side or bottom of this post.  Your donation can be made by Paypal balance, electronic check, credit/debit card.  If you check "gift for friend/family" Paypal won't take any fees out of your donation.

Malachi 3:10-12 says: Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. 11 I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not drop their fruit before it is ripe,” says the Lord Almighty. 12 “Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land,” says the Lord Almighty.

Our family is so grateful for each and every one of you.  We can see the finish line of this milestone.  Can you see it with us? 

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