First she gets on a plane...all day long. GraceAnne and Aunt Trish travelled the better part of yesterday and will be gone for 1 week. My baby is not with me on her birthday, and yes, that bothers me slightly, but this opportunity is absolutely amazing for her and I couldn't deny her.
Then she sleeps on the plane because it's been a LONG trip already. Standby is brutal sometimes, but they really did get lucky with the flights!
Then she got on the SAILBOAT! This will be her home for a few days. HOW COOL!? Yes, I'm completely jealous.
Then she gets her sea-legs. They went out on the ocean today. MY BABY--on the OCEAN! Flash back to almost 7 years ago when I was pregnant with her and we were on Trish's first sailboat...we were only in a river, but comes full-circle!
And then she mans the whole boat! Whatever will Aunt Trish and Uncle Dave do when the niece leaves and they have to do all the work themselves again? lol Look how serious she is...she's a pro!
I love my little girl so much. She is becoming such an amazing young woman! This year is so very surreal for daughter has graduated Kindergarten; she is in GirlScouts just like I was at her age; she has younger siblings the exact same ages I did at her age; she is the same age Rhiya was when I met her almost 7 years ago. This brings so many emotions to the forefront! This year she will really remember. I have very many and very real memories from being 6. There are things I will do differently for her than I did for Rhiya because I know better now. There are things my mom did that I will attempt to mimic so that she feels as loved and fortunate as I did. There are so many more things I will learn as we go and a few I'll likely regret because I'm human.
Mostly I'm just so grateful to God for her and her Daddy and the way they helped me turn about-face so many, (but it feels like a blink!!) years ago. My baby is on a boat far away for her birthday but she is right here in my heart and mind and prayers. I love you so very much, Gracie-Rain. You are my sunshine!!
Since their birthdays are so close together, we posted similar posts without knowing it!! Love it!
I can't believe she's out sailing!!! What a cool birthday!!! (and such a brave Mommy! lol) We are blessed to have you and your family in our lives!!
That is so awesome. Yea for Aunt Trisha taking her out on such an adventure. Amazing how much the little things can bring a tear to our eyes. Great that you are able to reflect and make conscious decisions about your future as a mom.
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