
"Social Smiles"

this is a repeat for anyone who sees my FB page, but it's for everyone else.

"C'mon get happy!"

"Aww, Ma! You're too much!"

"Rock on, Momma! PAAAAR-TAAY!"

"too much excitement...I may have crapped my pants..."

LOVE those smiles! What a joy our tiny son is!!
You can tell these are taken with Allan's camera instead of my Nikon, but they're still cute.

They were both stretching!

She has a winning smile for sure. She has always had a very prominent personality, (quiet and STRONG), but it is becoming so much more evident and fun every day.

She'd rather be close to him than anywhere else. Unless GraceAnne is home and then we must play with big sister!

I love his little outfit. He looks like a skater dude :)

Awwww, sweet babies! They both sat on my lap while I was editing the pictures, (they were super dark) and she had her arm around him and was giving him kisses. She kept saying "MEEEE" when we saw pictures with her. When we got to the pictures with just Corbin she said, "BABY! Awww, Coh-bean!" and gave him a kiss on the head. I love these babies! Who could ask for more?!

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