
First Day of School

Last night GraceAnne got her hair shampooed and conditioned by mom and got a haircut, (the bangs weren't supposed to be that short, but she moved, I've never done bangs and they turned out CUTE!), and a manicure. She wanted to look in the mirror after I did her hair and she came running back and said, "that doesn't even LOOK like ME! But it's SOO cute!" Haha, glad she likes it!
Violet is gonna miss her big sister. I'm sure she'll keep me busy enough, though...

Here she is on her first day!!! She's so excited to go to school. She thinks she's all big or something. Oh...Kindergarten...I guess she is!

She got a special Kindergarten breakfast proudly displayed on Pampered Chef things. She was thrilled!
Aaaaand, me at 25 weeks. Excuse the trashiness of this picture, I'm not good for 6am. I guess we need to go to bed sooner! Poor Allan...I've been torturing him for years.
And now it's time for me to take my baby to school! I can't help but be excited for her. I'm so Blessed to get to watch her grow up :)


Emily said...

That is so exciting that she is in school. I remember meeting her for the first time she was SOO young! And now school!

I hope she keeps her excitement with her about school for always! Have fun being able to get things done!

Gayle said...

Oh, I just love her haircut. I want my girls to have bangs, but they refuse. Emily used to. Glad you made it off to school okay.