
Phase 1 down: how many phases to go?

Praise God this weekend was successful and is over! It was incredibly full! Our first real outreach since we changed pastors at our church was this weekend and I'd say it was an overwhelming success! We had lots of kids at our egg hunt and they all had a blast!

If I can manage to get blogger to take pix off my phone, I'll post them here soon. Otherwise I'm going to have to do some fancy finger-work to get them onto the computer and then on here. The long and the short of it, though, is that our ticker has changed! Thanks to a VERY generous donation by Allan's sister, (THANK YOU, TRISH!!) and selling some bows we are *that* much closer to our goal.

Now's where it comes down to the line, though. Allan's deposit is taken care of, but Pastor Jeff still needs his. We have $200 toward it, but it's $700, so $500 more by April 30th. After that, the remainder of the funds are due by June 1, so we'll have a month to work on them. I'm hoping to pull off a pancake breakfast, maybe a bake sale and the guys will be sending out donation request letters to family and friends soon.

If you would, you can help by posting these fundraising posts on Facebook or sharing on your blogs. You can also donate using the donate button at the top of the page. Paypal is fast and easy and you can use ACH funds, debit or credit cards. We have been so Blessed by the people passing this on and we thank each of you very sincerely!

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