
Single Mom Day-Day 3 of F&HC

Click HERE to read the rules to this challenge.

Today hubbs is doing his volunteer gig.  I've been a spoiled brat because my hubby is a retired, disabled veteran.  He's been home with me for the last 6 months and *everything* goes more smoothly with him here.  He watches the little ones while I homeschool the eldest and he helps around the house.  Not to mention I'm just in a better mood to have him here.  On the days he's gone I...well, I survive.  I need to get used to him being gone, though.  Soon he will be a certified prosthetist and will have a job.  You'd think I'd be used to it, since before November he was gone full time + for the previous 7 years, but it's amazing how quickly you get used to having help.

I'm going to get some things off my chest right now because I'm sitting here and I don't know how much time I'll have later.  I am absolutely LOVING using flats.  They are so trim under my little man's woolies and we haven't had one leak.  We have been successful in using only 2 covers so far--even with one being taken out of commission yesterday by the spot clean.  I just changed him more frequently so I didn't have to swap out my wool.  This morning the other cover was dry, so I was able to let the green one rest.

I'm absolutely HATING the handwashing part of this challenge.  I frustrated myself more than necessary this morning because I had wanted to do the wash in the mornings to allow the flats to air dry.  Little man (17mo) was awake and screaming his ever-loving head off because I wouldn't let him play in the wash bucket.  Since he pooped twice yesterday, I had 12 flats and 6 wipes to wash and wanted to do it in 2 separate loads to be sure they got clean.  Let me tell you, a screaming child fighting you to get into the tub is NOT the way to start your day.  Most especially before coffee, food or quiet time! (I typically get up early to read my bible alone before the kids get up) 

But I got a small reprieve when I left the noisiness to go hang the dipes on the line.  I was madder than a wet hen when I went out there, but something about hanging stuff on the line in the sunshine and no noise but the melody of the birds is so calming!  Then again, I've always loved hanging my dipes.  It's one of my fave parts of cloth diapering.

They started in on me as soon as I walked back into the house, though, so that training I thought hanging the dipes in the morning would afford my dog?  Not so much.

Also, my hands are THROBBING from using the plunger on the wash bucket.  Hubbs is bringing home a new lid and we'll try out the new set-up tomorrow.  I have calouses coming and places where the skin has rubbed off my fingers.  OUCH!  My hands are so dry (a common complaint I'm seeing on others' blogs, too.) so I tried a sample of soothing cream I had from Episencial.  I really like it!

Because I don't want to give up, I'm going to brainstorm ways to improve this situation:
  • wake up earlier to wash...before the kids get up (not likely because the day goes SO MUCH better when I start with my bible reading/prayer time...I'm pretty sure my kids don't want me to give this up in the morning!)
  • feed the kids before I wash
  • wash at naptime (this will not likely happen as I take some time to myself, blog, read emails, etc)
  • wash at night-time after the kids go to bed  (con to this is no sun to hang the dipes in)
Let me know if you've got another solution, too. 

I need to close this for now, but I will update more later.  We are supposed to go to a friend's house today and to church tonight, so we'll put traveling with flats to the test.  I am not a bit concerned about it, except I know that I'll have to change him at church because our nursery worker already is nervous about the cloth (she usually puts them on him backwards, HA!) and I don't expect her to fold anything or use a snappi.  We'll see you soon!


The Gnome's Mom said...

My hands are pretty dry too. What time do the kiddos go to bed? I've been doing them at 7:30 right after The Gnome goes to bed, if I get them outside by 8, it's an hour of sunshine and they dry the rest of the way inside overnight. I'd rather do them in the morning but hubby isn't home to watch the baby and him giving me 30 minutes to do it.. yeah right. I'd do it during nap time but he sleeps on my lap and I use that as my blogging/internet time.

Tara said...

They go to bed around 8 or 8:30. Since the oldest is 6 (will be 7 next month) and we homeschool, I typically keep them up till then so they'll sleep until 8am. Little man *still* insists on 7am, though.