
2 months

The coolest, cutest big sisters ever (minus 1) say "Happy 2 month birthday to Corbin!"
We love this little man SOOO much!

And he's getting so very big!
14lbs 7.5oz and 24.5" long! That's 5lbs 8.5oz more than when he was born and 5" longer!
He sure does think he's big!
His first baseball cap...And he cries when I take it off of him!
He makes us all so happy!
And we can't believe that he wasn't here 2 months ago. Life was surely not full, was it?
GraceAnne gave him a present. One of her old Foo-foos. He really likes it!
He's so strong and handsome!

This month has had some other awesome things going on. We visited some friends in Big Lake, TX. It's about 6 hours west of here and we were so grateful to get to go. We became friends with them while they lived with Mary's parents, (also our friends) last year. They got a job in Big Lake and we haven't gotten to see them much since then. It was a fabulous visit. Mary and I stayed up WAY too late talking, laughing, crying, and just generally enjoying each other. It's not often in life we get friends like I have in her, so when they up and move away, you follow. Honestly, I pushed away for a while because the sadness of her moving away was too much for me to deal with. I was a little bitter with God..."how come everytime I get a friend like this she has to be far away?" But we can be bitter or we can pack our kids up in the van and go! So we did.
Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures at all while we were there, but it was a great visit! Allan had a good time visiting with Daniel, GraceAnne ALWAYS loves Chaz and Violet and Hannah...well, they're both 2. HAHA!
Also, my mom got me the most awesome Christmas/birthday present EVER! I'm not sure how she always manages to out-do herself, (because in general, she is the best at picking out presents), but she does EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. She knows me so well. :)
It's a ginormous popcorn machine for my movie room! I LOVE it!! We've been making popcorn in it for after school snack. The girls think it's amazing, too. Violet squeals and claps her hands while it's popping.

I'm still playing around with toppings, but by far this is THE BEST popcorn. There are lots of organic options out there, too, so I'm having fun playing around without being environmentally unfriendly. Even our coconut oil is organic!
I'm so Blessed with these amazing women in my life! Sometimes I'm truly taken aback by how wonderful the people in my life are. Love you all!!

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